By having photos of your newborn baby, you’ll be creating a lifetime of memories. It’s safe to say that baby photos are worth the time, stress, and money only for that reason.
Here Is Why Baby Photos Are Worth It:
Newborn photography is 100% worth it. Because your baby is only going to be of this age once in its life. Baby photos will provide a lifetime of beautiful memories of this time in its life.
It can also be a lot of fun, once your child is older, to look back at those photos together. Or to hang some photos on the wall, so that every now and then when you look at the photos you’d be reminded with joyish memories of this period.
Are baby photos worth the money? What are the risks attached to having newborn photography? As you read through the rest of this article, you’ll find answers to the questions above and more.

Some More Reasons Why Newborn Baby Photos Are Certainly Worth It
According to health experts, newborn babies tend to grow and change rapidly in the first few months and years of arriving. In case you don’t know, here’s what Mayo Clinic says regarding newborn baby’s growth rate below:
- The first six months after giving birth to your baby, you should expect it to grow by 1/2 to 1 inch per month and gain up to 7 ounces weekly.
- Between 6 months of arriving and a year, you should expect your baby to grow by ⅜ inches every month, gaining up to 5 ounces weekly.
As you can see, your baby is expected to change rapidly in the first few months of bringing it to the world.
Since that’s the case, some nursing mothers usually conclude that it’s a total waste of money to get their baby’s photos at the early stages of their birth.
Well, the more reasons why you need to take photos of your newborn baby is because of the rapid growth. By having your baby’s photos at the early growth stages, you’ll be able to create a lifetime of memories.
Apart from that, there are tons of other reasons why you need to do the photoshoot of your baby at the newborn stage. You can check below to see the top 3 reasons:
Top 3 Reasons:
- Create a lifetime of memories
Creating a lifetime of memories is one of the many reasons why you need to do the newborn photoshoot of your baby.
According to a user on the What To Expect community, doing the photoshoot of her baby at his newborn stage isn’t something that she regrets doing.
Adding to that, she mentioned that it was hard to remember how tiny the little boy looked without the photograph.
Here’s what joannac86 said regarding having baby photos below;
“I did newborn pics with my son and I will never ever regret them. I can’t remember him being that tiny and it was only 1 year ago.”
“I made one big scrap book with 4×6 prints of them all and then I got some of them printed on a canvas for his room. The photographer gave us some copies and also a picture book. They are great memories to look back on and were 100% worth it.”
The bottom line is that having your newborn baby photos will most likely help you create a lifetime of memories.
You can always check the photos every time you feel like having a flashback of how your baby looked while growing up.
- Babies sleep alot
Newborn babies are known to always sleep for several hours. As such, it’s safe to say that the newborn stage is the best time to take photos of your baby.
When they become old, getting them to go for photoshoots and getting your best shots might be hard to achieve, depending on your child’s choice.
- Tininess of your baby
As you already know, babies tend to grow and change quickly within the first few months and years of arriving. In the first few days and months, the baby is usually very tiny.
It’s always wonderful to remember how tiny your baby was during its first few days and months; this is where the need to do the photoshoot of your baby at the newborn stage comes into the scene.

When Is The Best Time To Take Newborn Photos?
According to experts, every newborn baby has a different pattern of sleeping. Generally, newborns could sleep for about 14 to 19 hours daily in the first few days of their arrival.
Since that’s the case, most professional photographers often advise doing the photoshoot of the baby at the early stage of the baby’s arrival.
The best time to take your newborn baby photos is 5 to 2 weeks (14 days) after giving birth. There are a couple of reasons why choosing to take the photos at the above time frame is best.
For instance, the first 2 weeks of the baby’s arrival is usually the time it’ll get the longest sleep. Since that’s the case, the best you can do is to take advantage of this period to take the photos.
When fast asleep, it becomes pretty easy for you to pose your baby and achieve various perfect shots.
Furthermore, the first 5 days of your baby’s arrival is usually the time the baby will try to adjust to many things, most especially the feeding times.
This explains why it’s not advisable to try taking the photos earlier than 5 days after giving birth.
Don’t get it twisted; I’m not saying that you can’t take your baby’s photo after two weeks of giving birth. You can always do that.
The photo session might not be as smooth as that of the first 10 to 14 days after the baby’s arrival. Depending on the baby, you will most likely have to opt for different concepts to get perfect shots.
So, the bottom line is that the best time to take your newborn baby’s photos is between 5 to 14 days after giving birth. You should be able to achieve the best shots during this period.
Get A Professional Photographer For The Photoshoot
No doubt, getting a professional to do the photoshoot of your baby at its newborn stage can be very expensive. However, you need to understand that this is the best way to ensure the safety of your baby.
Handling a baby isn’t an easy task; this explains why it’s important for you to get a safety-trained professional photographer for this job.
Expert photographers know the ins and outs and understand exactly what to do with your baby to make proper posing.
Unlike average photographers, an expert will certainly make use of state-of-the-art lighting and tools to deliver you top-notch services.
This is another reason why you need to consider going for a professional photographer for your baby’s newborn photo shoot.
Furthermore, professional photographers are known to always have backups. This is a good thing for you, especially if you end up losing your copies of the newborn photographs.
All you need to do is to contact the photographer and ask for a new copy.
The bottom line is that if you’ll be having newborn photos of your baby, it’s best to go for safety-trained professional photographers.
This way, you can always rest assured that your baby will be able during the photo session.
You don’t need to worry too much about money since the safety of your baby comes first. However, if you’re on a budget, you can still go for an average photographer who is safety trained.

Tips For Every Mother Looking To Have Baby Photos
As a nursing mother, there are certain things that you need to put into consideration before proceeding to do the photoshoot of your baby at the newborn stage. Let’s have a quick look at some of them below:
- Take the price and length of the Photoshoot in consideration, when you get a photoshoot that is reletively cheap you might end up with only a few good pictures. Apposed to when you pay some more, it’s more likely the photographer really takes the time to get many good pictures.
- Ensure to ask the newborn photographer you’re looking to employ what training they have. This is pretty much important for the overall safety of your baby.
- Furthermore, you need to ask the professional photographer for samples of their previous works.