There are a lot of things that could be wrong when your Munchkin bottle warmer is not working.
Possible problems with your Munchkin Bottle Warmer:
- The obvious one is that it might not be plugged in
- There is no electricity coming out of the socket that it is plugged into
- You could possibly be dealing with a blown fuse or faulty wiring
- Loose Wiring
- There could be either too much or too little water in the bottle warmer
In this article, I will help you find out why your bottle warmer broke and how to fix it. I will also cover the possible causes of your munchkin bottle warmer leaking and how to fix that.

Why Is My Munchkin Bottle Warmer Not Turning on?
Make Sure The Bottle Warmer Is Plugged In
Let’s start troubleshooting your Munchkin bottle warmer. Before you want to look at anything else, you want to make sure it’s actually plugged in. This seems obvious but you don’t want to know how many times I was like; why is my bottle warmer not turning on? Just to find out it wasn’t plugged in at all.
Check If There Is Power On The Wall Socket
The second thing you want to do is check if there is power on the wall socket. You can plug your bottle warmer in all you want but if there is no power on the wall socket, it won’t turn on.
It’s easy to check this, Just take another device or lamp for example, that you know still works. If that lamp turns on, you can be sure there is coming electricity out of the socket.
The Munchkin Bottle Warmer light Is Not Turning On
Your Bottle warmer might still be working but the on/off light bulb might be broken. You can figure out if this is the case by turning on your bottle warmer like you normally do and checking if it is still warming the bottle or not.
If it is still warming the bottle, the on/off light bulb is broken. You can leave the light bulb broken and still use the munchkin warmer.
If you’re handy and you like fixing things you could take the bottle warmer apart, get the light out and take it to an electronics parts shop and buy a new one.
There Might Be A Blown Fuse
If you have checked the things stated above and still haven’t found the problem. There is a good chance that the fuse might be broken. This can happen if the bottle warmer gets too hot.
Just like with a broken light. If you’re handy, you could open up the bottle warmer. Get the fuse out and take it to an electronics parts shop and buy a new one.
Loose Wiring
If your bottle warmer is not properly assembled at the factory or when it’s a few years old, a wire can come loose. You can check this by opening up the bottle warmer, and seeing if there are any wires that are not attached to anything.
If that’s the case you could tin or glue it back in place. Make sure you use heat-resistant glue because you don’t what the glue to melt and come loose once you’re using the bottle warmer again.
Why Is My Munchkin Bottle Warmer Turning On But Not Warming?
If your Munchkin bottle warmer is turning on but not warming. Usually, there is either too much or too little water in the bottle warmer.
When the bottle is not getting warm enough, it’s probably because you’re not using enough water for the size of the bottle you’re using and the temperature of the milk.
On the other hand, when the bottle is getting too warm, you’re probably using too much water for the bottle size and milk temperature.
If you’re using a bigger bottle with milk from the fridge, you’ll need to put more water in the warmer than when you’re using a smaller bottle with milk that is at room temperature. You could stir the milk a bit when it’s in the middle of warming to get it evenly warm.
Refer to the bottle warmer manual to see exactly how much water to use.
Why Is My Munchkin Bottle Warmer Leaking?
The Silicone Ring Is Not Placed Right
When Munchkin Bottle Warmers start leaking, it usually has something to do with the Silicone ring that sits in the heating part of the bottle.
Make sure the silicone ring is placed in the bottle. First, put the ring in like it’s in N-shape. If the bottle still leaks, try flipping the ring to a U-shape. Ensure it’s pressed down flat in the bottle warmer.
Your Bottle Warmer Is Leaking Because of The Adapter
Depending on which Munchkin bottle warmer model you have, your bottle warmer might come with some adapters to fit various bottles.
Each adapter has its own silicone ring to prevent leaking. Make sure the silicone ring is in the adapter and pressed down fully.
The adapters are labeled A to D, You can use the manual that comes with the Munchkin bottle warmer to figure out which size adapter fits your brand bottle. Alternatively, you could just try on some adapters and see which fits best.
Depending on the brand of your bottle, you might not even need an adapter. Ensure that the adapter is screwed on the bottle firmly to prevent leaking.
Too Much Water In The Bottle Warmer
Refer to the manual on how much water you need to put in the bottle warmer for your size bottle. When you put too much water in the warmer you run the risk of it spilling and leaking over the edge of the bottle warmer.
I hope you found out why your bottle warmer is not working. To recap these are the things we looked at:
- Make Sure The Bottle Warmer Is Plugged In
- Check If There Is Power On The Wall Socket
- The Munchkin Bottle Warmer light bulb might be broken
- There Might Be A Blown Fuse
- Loose Wiring In The Bottle Warmer
If you haven’t found the problem, make sure to check if you still have a warranty on the product. If that’s not the case make sure to contact Munchkin Support, to ask about other options, if any.
Thanks for Reading!